Sunday, January 5, 2025

Welcome to 2025

 Bye Bye the trash trauma year of 2024.... 

anyway.. this year... my plan... 

read more books and comics, watch more TV and Film and listen to more music.... 

likely that I will get back to blogging often... not much... but if you are checking in... I hope you are well... 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Welcome to 2024

 hey look... it is Jan 1, 2024 and this blog that I started way way back in 2007? (I didn't look) is still live and I am posting.... 

so this started as me looking for work.. and I am on my 3rd job since the start of this thing.... 

anyway, most of what I care to post about has been related to books, music and films... but the last couple of years I have returned to one of my early Pop Culture loves... Comic Books.. and I do mean Comic Books as in Floppies, single issues,  the kind that when I started following them were $0.60 a issue and you could buy at the Drug Store......... 

anyway.. most of my on line stuff is me posting my comic pick ups on Tic Tok... 

but for anyone that still looks at this blog... here are a few of the comics from the past year that I really did enjoy... 

IDW Endless Summer Dungeons & Dragons: Saturday Morning Adventures #1 - this is more what I wanted from the series, but didn't get... just a better than it needed to be single issue... IDW.. more of this please

I Am Stan By Tom Scioli - the ideal yang to  Scioli’s  Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics this is a great look at the life of Stan Lee without rose colored glasses…. here is hoping that we get more Scioli going bios of comic creators who impacted the form… 

Danger Street #9

I really liked this issue that is a single fight and a lot of talking.. it worked for me…. 

Usagi Yojimbo: Ice and Snow #3

Usagi is always good.. but this issue was one of the best…. the showdown between the antagonists really worked and was creepy in a way that I don’t expect from Usagi…. really great comics… 

Ain’t It Fun: Peter Laughner & Proto-Punk in the Secret City ... I am still reading this one... but it is easily my fave comic/OGN of the year...if you are a fan of punk, comics or the Rust Belt art scene of the 70s/80s check it out. 

shout outs: 

GI Joe- both Duke #1 and GI Joe: ARAH #301 & #302 

Birds of Prey

Santos Sisters

Parker Girls

Exciting Comics, Horror Comics, Planet Comics from Antarctic Press

The Amazing Spider-Man #121 & #122 Facsimile Editions

all books/ series I enjoyed this year.... 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

is this thing on?

 it has been a while, a long while... but I figured I would just simply post that mostly these days I am doing some posting over on Tick Tok. 

anyone interested can find me  at 

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Transmit... receive... restless thoughts..

 .... start unedited transmission....

It has been a while.. 

Welcome to Pandemic World... and I am still here... 

anyway what I have I been up to in the last year and a half or what ever since my last post??

New Job, I won't go into that.. but still watching films, youtube and TV, still listening to music, podcasts and reading... these days it is a lot of comics

I don't have anything long form to say this time around... just checking in... 


Youtube: Trash Theory, Todd in the Shadows, Red Letter Media

Comics: IDW GI Joe (written by Larry Hama), The Marvels, Love and Rockets

Music: Alice Cooper - Detroit Stories, Albert Bouchard - Re Imaginos

Saturday, November 16, 2019

2019 in the final weeks..

it's been a while.. a long while.. but I am still poking around the web.. my run at Love that Album podcast is coming to an end..  by my choice... and I have slowed down the youtube output, mainly do to time, energy and life commitments.

as we head into 2020, I hope that I can return to this blog more often.

I have been toying with the notion of a place that collects upcoming reissues of stuff..

with Valancourt Books  and their Paperbacks from Hell  ) 

Stark House Press and their reissues along with their Black Gat books

Hard Case Crime who has been in the reissue biz since their launch

the up coming  Library of Congress Crime Classics

it seems like the reissue of older forgotten work has started in full.

the recent Slate article on the work of Sci Fi/ Fantasy writer John M Ford  has gathered a fair amount of attention by people that pay attention to the overlooked, forgotten and out of print works.. shows to me that there is an interest in rediscovering that which has been out of sight and out of mind.

and this is just in the world of genre fiction.. there is still an interest in films, just look at the interest in the films that inspired Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, and of course the rediscovery of music that has been out of print continues as we see LP and digital reissues of that which has been lost, forgotten, overlooked and too often a head of it's time.

anyway.. I hope to have more to record here in the future.. if you stopped by to take a look, thanks and fell free to leave a comment..

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

boo... I have always been here before

Ok not sure anyone is reading this.. that's not really the point.

I haven't been posting consistently for a while..

It hasn't been on the top of my list of things to do.. and I am not sure what I want to be saying here currently.

The truth seems to be that blog fade.. and wane and all of that..

but I got an alert asking if I still wanted e-mails when someone leave a comment..

so this post is really just to keep the blog site alive..

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

My you tube channel

Pretty much these days I do the video blog thing over at youtube..

here's my latest