Wednesday, June 10, 2009

4 X 10

Four Movies You Can See Over and Over

  1. The Big Lebowski
  2. L.A. Confidential
  3. Night of the Creeps
  4. CQ

Four Places You Have Lived

  1. Ann Arbor, MI
  2. Vaxjo, Sweden
  3. Moscow, ID
  4. Sault Ste Marie, MI

Four TV Shows You Love to Watch

  1. Homicide: Life on the Streets
  2. The Wire
  3. Veronica Mars
  4. Coupling (The UK Version only)

Four Places You Have Been on a Vacation

  1. Helsinki, Finland
  2. Cape Cod
  3. The U.P.
  4. San Francisco Bay Area

Four of Your Favorite Foods

  1. Grapefruit
  2. Strawberries
  3. Coffee
  4. Cake

Four Websites You Visit Daily

  1. Blogspot/Live Journal - to check on peoples blogs

Four Places You Would Rather Be:

  1. Stockholm, Sweden (Shocking I know)
  2. The U.P. (I don’t get the chance to spend enough time up there)
  3. Driving Lolo Pass from Montana to Idaho
  4. Home- I have DVDs, books and Music that need watching, reading and listening to
Four Things You Hope to Do Before You Die
  1. Finish and publish at least one novel – I have one manuscript done, but don’t really know what to do with it.
  2. Get a master’s degree in History
  3. Drive the west coast
  4. Visit Sweden during the summer, preferably for Midsommar.

Four Novels You Wish You Were Reading for the First Time

  1. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay: Michael Chabon
  2. The Stand by Stephen King (the original version)
  3. The LA Quartet by James Ellroy
  4. The Chinatown Death Cloud Peril by Paul Malmont

Tag Four People You Believe Will Respond

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Paul D Brazill said...

I really fancy that Paul Malmont book.

Iren said...

Paul, it's one that I have read more than once in the last couple of years. I have the new Malmont book Jack London in Paradise and plan to read it this summer.