Thursday, July 1, 2010

Books June 2010

Nobody's Angel by Jack Clark
The Quick Red Fox by John D MacDonald
Murder Among Children by Tucker Coe (Donald Westlake)

For fairly obvious reasons (see my last post) I really didn’t finish many books this month. I managed to get through my planned one Hard Case Crime and my one John D MacDonald, along with a single Donald Westlake novel.

Nobody's Angel, the latest from Hard Case tells about the life of windy city hack Eddie Miles, and mostly follows his shifts behind the wheel. He goes from fare to fare to fare and wonders about the rest of his life. It’s a brisk, speedy read and I really like that is just a look into the world of a big city hack.

The Quick Red Fox was an challenging read, mostly that I was making my way though it as my mother was dying and everything around that was happening. It’s a product of it’s time and almost seems silly in this era of celebrity sex tapes (yawn). The plot is simple Travis McGee is hired to aid a fictitious Hollywood star named Lysa Dean who is being blackmailed with revealing photographs. Over all it was solid, but the end felt a bit rushed and I found it hard to follow exactly what was going on during the last 20 or so pages. That very well might have been more about my state of mind than the book, but there were thing that I had to reread a couple of time to figure out and still wasn’t getting the whole picture. Next months MacDonald is going to be one of his stand alone books, and I am thinking of one of the later books like; Condominium, One More Sunday, or Barrier Island might be next.

Murder Among Children by Tucker Coe (Donald Westlake) was a nice surprise--- and that’s all I am going to say about it for the moment, as I have plans for a whole post about it sometime soon.

So good bye to June 2010, I am glad to see you go.


登山登山 said...
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Cullen Gallagher said...

Glad to hear you liked NOBODY'S ANGEL. I picked it up but hadn't read it yet. Looking forward to reading it now.

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